2、选材中图分类号:G886.6文献标识码:A文章编号:1007-6204(2016)04-0123-03DOI:10.13940/j.cnki.lntykj.2016.04.034Introduction to the scientific selection of Chinese adolescent judo athletesWang Xinggang(Huairen County Amateur Sports School, Benxi 117200, Liaoning ,China)Abstra
3、ct:From the aspects of Chinese adolescent judo athletes‘ body shape, physical quality, physiology,genetics, developmental level and psychological diathesis, this paper discusses the main content of adolescent judoathletes in our country scientific selec
4、tion, and its basic principle, in order to establish a judo athlete scientificselection of ideal model to provide theoretical reference.Key words:teenagers; Judo athletes; select material随着科学技术的不断发展,柔道运动比赛的强度不断加大,对抗更加激烈,而现代竞技体育训练条件和训练手段的差别日益缩小,因此运动员要想取得