3、动设备,还有电子邮件等。一开始我们先不考虑Observer模式,通过一步步地重构,最终重构为Observer模式。现在有这样两个类:Microsoft和Investor,如下图所示:图3UML静态图示例它们的实现如下:public class Microsoft{ private Investor _investor; private String _symbol; private double _price; public void Update() {
4、_investor.SendData(this); } public Investor Investor { get { return _investor; } set { _investor = value; } } public String Symbol { get { return _symbol; } set { _symbol = value; } } public double Pri
5、ce { get { return _price; } set { _price = value; } }}public class Investor{ private string _name; public Investor(string name) { this._name = name; } public void SendData(Microsoft ms) { Console.Write
6、Line("Notified {0} of {1}'s " + "change to {2:C}", _name, ms.Symbol,ms.Price); }}简单的客户端实现:class Program{ static void Main(string[] args) { Investor investor = new Investor("Jom"); Microsoft ms = new Microsoft(); ms.Investor