5、方面,深入探讨了劳动力转移给农村带来的农业生产能力减弱、大量良田撂荒以及较高的社会成本等一系列问题及其原因,并从大力发展农村经济、降低劳动力转移的成本、以及完善农村社会保障体系等方面提出了一系列政策性建议。关键词:农村劳动力转移,推拉理论,负向影响Abstract: Issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area which the party and the government care about all the time have been the people's livelihood. There a
6、re a great number of the rural labor forc-es in China. How to solve the problem that this great number of them brought about,has gradually b-een a hard nut to crack in the process of building new socialist countryside. Focusing on the actual situation of the transfer of rural lab
7、or force in Anhui Province, this paper analyses the age structure t-end to be younger,the region which the labor flow into is given priority to economically-develop-d area as characteristics of labor transfer.Based on the in-depth discussion of the problems such as t-he agricultu