6、nEDA,whichaimstoachieveautomationmanagementofthecrossroadsbycontrollingthetrafficlightsautomaticallytodirectthevehiclesandpedestrians.This design uses VHDL language to finish traffic light controller. After analysis of the structure of the system, you should use the top-down app
7、roach and hierarchical design to write the VHDL program for each module and the MAX + PLUS II to simulate, in order to get the corresponding simulation results. Keywords:trafficlight;EDA;VHDL;MAX+PlusⅡ211引言自从1868年世界上第一个交通信号灯家族在英国伦敦议会大厦广场上的诞生到今天,交通灯已经走过了它140多年的使用历史。纵观世界城市发展史可知,交通