2、中图分类号:TB304 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-8354(2010)05-0017-03Design of Photovoltaic Solar Junction Box for ShipXU Hong-wei(HUBER + SUHNER Transmission &Communication Manufacture (Shanghai) Co. ,Ltd,Shanghai 201206,China)Abstract:This article briefly introduces the photovoltaic solar module
3、for ship from the application of power onship,which can convert the solar energy to power directly to supply for ship and its equipments. Photovoltaic so-lar junction box is one of the necessary parts during the power energy transmission after converting from solarenergy. As the
4、important power transmission part and performance part,the design of junction box is especiallyimportant. It can influence the efficient of whole photovoltaic module system. And also because it will be used inthe harsh environment,which contains a lot of salt,humidity,acid or alk
5、ali element humidity on the sea,when the junction box is designed,the character of ship should be taken into account and the mechanical per-formance,electrical performance and environmental performance should be considered also.Key words:ship; solar; photovoltaic; junction box收稿日