1、浅析我国对外贸易结构的不平衡摘要:在我国对外贸易快速发展之际,我们不应忽视的是在发展外贸过程中出现越来越多的结构不平衡问题。本文着重从对外贸易依存度、进出口行业间以及各不同性质企业的进出口贸易情况来分析我国外贸结构的不平衡问题,且提出了一些的解决我国对外贸易结构不平衡的措施。关键词:外贸依存度 货物贸易 服务贸易 利用外资Abstract:The imbalance of the foreign trade structure should not be neglected when the foreign trade is fast de
2、velopment in China. As time goes by, the imbalance of foreign trade structure has become more and more serious. This article discusses the dependency of foreign trade degree as well as the situation of import and export trade in different kinds of enterprises. Finally, thi
3、s article offers some measurements solve the imbalance of the foreign trade structure.Keywords:The dependency of foreign trade degree The cargo trade Service trade Use foreign capital第9页前言近年来随着中国外贸行业的蓬勃发展,外贸结构失衡问题逐步暴露了出来。不合理的外贸结构如果不及时加以调整,必将给国民经济的可持续发展埋下隐患。其发展和变化对中国经济和世界经济