1、新概念英语青少版1B测试题新概念英语16——20单元测试一、翻译短语:1、下面那里: 2、也:3、跪着: 4、照相:5、为什么不? 6、请自便吧!7、寻找: 8、……点三刻:9、大本钟: 10、泰晤士河:二、单项选择:1、Canyou( )it?We’realltogetherontheLondonEye!A see B believe C pa
2、ss D play2、Lookatall( )!A bridge B abridge C thebridge D thebridges3、Passme( )binoculars!A the B any C a D some4、( )somepeopleonthebridge.A Theyare B Thereis C They D Thereare5、Watchthis,Lucy!I( )balanceonthisball!A am B do C are
3、 D can6、It’seasy!Lookat( ),Vikki!A we B I C you D us7、You’rebothgood( )gymnastics.A at B on C of D to8、I’museless ( )Maths.A on B to C in D at9、There’s( )riceinthatjar.A any B a C come D an10、Pass( )aknife,please.A I B me C my
4、 D forme三、在必要的地方填入a an some 或any。1、Canyoudrive( )car?----No,Ican’t,butIcanride( )bicycle.2、Arethere( )peopleinthepark?----No,therearen’t( )peoplethere.3、Passme( )onion,please.Thereare( )inthefridge.4、There’s( )coffeeinthispacket,butthereisn’t(