1、摘 要随着现在信息量的增大和人们对通信质量要求的提高,通信系统的发展也越来越迅速,通信绿色化及系统智能化是现代通信的特点。天线是无线通信系统中必不可少的组成部分,它的功能是辐射或者接受无线电波。在发射系统中它把导电磁波转变为自由空间的无线电波,或者在接收系统中做相反的变换,从而在任意两点之间实现无线电信号的传递。天线的发明使得电磁频谱成为人类最大的可重复使用的自然资源之一。本论文结合现今天线的发展趋势及研究热点,对两种超宽带天线作了优化并设计了一种 Ku 波段的高频微带天线。论文的具体内容包括:1. 介绍了天线基本特点及发展状况。2. 阐述
2、了天线的基本原理及常用分析方法。其中重点阐述了数值模拟方法-时域有限积分法。3. 研究了两种超宽带天线,并分析了此两种天线性能的优缺点。4. 在前两种天线的基础之上通过加 T 形结构以及开槽口的方法优化设计了两种具有陷波功能的超宽带单极子天线,这两种天线陷波功能在规定的频段具有非常好的效果,并且在方向图上有所改进。5. 设计了一种 Ku 波段的高频微带天线并运用数值模拟的方法对该天线进行了仿真。仿真结果结果表明:该天线的绝对带宽为 3GHz,在此带宽之内反射系数小于-10dB;E 面的 3dB 主瓣宽度为 43.50 ~ 77.10 ;允许
3、频带 H 面内的不圆度为 1dB;关键词:微带天线,超宽带,阻带,增益,Ku 波段IABSTRACTWith the increasing amount of information and the quality of people's communicationrequirements increase, the development of communication systems are increasinglyrapidly. Green-Communication, the system is the intelligent
4、features of moderncommunications. Wireless communication is an integral part of the system. Its functionis receiving or launching radio waves. The launch system guide it into a free spaceelectromagnetic radio waves, or in the receiving system do the opposite transformation
5、,because of this, result in the radio between any two signals. The invention of theantenna makes the electromagnetic spectrum become humanity's greatest naturalresources in a reusable one. This article will show us some conclusions by combiningtheories and experiments abou
6、t some technologies of micro-strip antennas.This article content includes:1. Introduce history of the development of various types and basic characteristics ofthe antennas.2. The basic concept of the antenna are introduced. And analysis microstrip antennas,microstrip anten
7、nas ,which were compared with the production of detailed description.3. In this paper, designing two antennas, two antennas are ultra-wideband antennas,it is simulated by software CST and results show that the ultra-wideband characteristicsisgood, but the pattern should be
8、 improved.4. In the first two antennas ,by increasing a T-shaped structure, and by adding