3、h。关键词定时器;单片机;数字电路;智能;DesignandImplementationofTimingSwitchControllerBasedonMCUAbstractWith the progress of era, the development of electronic industry, the application of the timer is becoming more and more widely.But the traditional timer are using spring motor type, motor drive type or clo
4、ck type mechanical timer, etc.Electronic timer timer relative labor pain, small volume, light weight, low cost, high precision, long life, and safe and reliable, convenient adjustment, suitable for frequent use.This design adopts the 51 single-chip microcomputer as the core, this paper expou
5、nds the working principle of the system, the software flow is given.Meet the electronic timer to control the power of the electrical appliances, at the same time to facilitate users to the operation of the electronic timer.Maximum time can reach 24 h.KeywordsTimer;MCU;digital circuit;1引言1.1研