Long GPS coordinate time series Multipath and geometry effects
Long GPS coordinate time series Multipath and geometry effects
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1、ClickHereforFullArticleJOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 115, B04403, doi:10.1029/2009JB006543, 2010Long GPS coordinate time series: Multipath and geometry effectsMatt A. King1 and Christopher S. Watson2Received 16 April 2009; revised 1 October 2009; accepted 21
2、 October 2009; published 3 April 2010.[1] Within analyses of Global Positioning System (GPS) observations, unmodeledsubdaily signals propagate into long‐period signals via a number of different mechanisms.In this paper, we investigate the effects of time‐variable sat
3、ellite geometry andthe propagation of a time‐constant unmodeled multipath signal. Multipath reflectors atH = 0.1 m, 0.2 m, and 1.5 m below the antenna are modeled, and their effects on GPScoordinate time series are examined. Simulated time series at 20 global IGS sit
4、es for2000.0–2008.0 were derived using the satellite geometry as defined by daily broadcastorbits. We observe the introduction of time‐variable biases in the time series of up toseveral millimeters. The frequency and magnitude of the signal is dependent on sitelocati
5、on and multipath source. When adopting realistic GPS observation geometriesobtained from real data (e.g., including the influence of local obstructions and hardwarespecific tracking), we observe generally larger levels of coordinate variation. In thesecases, we obser
6、ve spurious signals across the frequency domain, including very highfrequency abrupt changes (offsets) in addition to secular trends. Velocity biases of morethan 0.5 mm/yr are evident at some sites. The propagated signal has noise characteristicsthat fall between fli
7、cker and random walk and shows spectral peaks at harmonics ofthe draconitic year for a GPS satellite (∼351 days). When a perfectly repeating syntheticconstellation is used, the simulations show near‐negligible time correlated noisehighlighting that subtle variations
8、in the GPS constellation can propagate multipathsignals differently over time, producing significant temporal variations in time se