1、变频启动与固态软起的比较作者:上海杰诣通用电器有限公司 厉无咎摘要:本文简述了交流异步电动机定子调压和变频调压的工作原理和机械特性,并以6KV 2000KW交流异步电动机为例,对中压固态软起动器和中压变频器起动二种方案作了技术经济比较,认为对于起动转矩要求不大的风机、泵和压缩机类负载,从技术经济指标和可靠性来考虑以采用固态软起动器为宜。英文摘要:This paper introduces the operating theory and mechanical characteristics of asynchronous
2、 motor when it operates in voltage-variable and constant frequency condition or in frequency-variable and voltage-variable condition briefly. With the 6KV 2000KW asynchronous motor as an example, the paper compares the starting motor with medium voltage solid-state so
3、ft starter and medium voltage inverter on both technical and economic properties. For the load of fan, pump and compressor which starting torque is small, the paper think that using medium voltage solid-state starter to start the motor has better technical-economic pr
4、operties and higher reliability.关键词:软起动器 变频器 锁相技术 电动机起动 同步切换1 引言 一般交流电动机功率在300kW以上时,为了减少电机绕组的线径,便于加工,和降低损耗,就开始采用中压,国内称之为高压。国内标准电压为3kV、6kV、10kV,国际上则有2.3kV、3.3kV、4.16kV、6.6kV和13.8kV等电压等级。对于中压异步电动机在电网容量和工艺条件允许的情况下可以直接起动;如果电动机的起动容量对电网冲击较大,或者工艺条件不允许的情况下要用降压起动。中压异