1、Visualizing Search Results Donna Thompson Internet Librarian October 26, 2015 SouthChinaNormalUniversity(•What is the ADS •History of the ADS •VisualizaFons •PracFcal applicaFons •Where we are going •Summary SouthChinaNormalUniversity
2、( is the ADS? •NASA‐funded project •FREE for the user •Collaborate with major publishers in astronomy •Allow for researchers to access arFcles through their library’s subscripFons •Moving from a database to a plaTorm SouthChinaNo
3、rmalUniversity( Data Holdings ●Bibliographic Data o11.2M records (2.1 Astronomy) ‐‐ up 27% since 2011 oIngested historical records from SPIE, AIP, Elsevier ●Links o77M citaFon links ‐‐ up 71% since 2011 o596K links to data products
4、, SIMBAD & NED objects ●Full‐text archive o640K arFcles (4.8M pages) digiFzed and hosted by ADS o4.5M full‐text documents indexed in ADS ‐‐ up 275% since 2011 All of ADS’s scanned content 1M arFcles downloaded from arXiv 3M digital full‐text documents from all ma
5、jor publishers SouthChinaNormalUniversity( does the content come from? arXivJournal Scanned publishers journals Manual entry (libraries, CrossRefADS authors, online conferences) SouthChinaNormalUniversity(
6、6DownloadUsage:Population•10M Total ADS users (cookies), of which... •3.9M Returning users (within a year), of which... •55K “Regulars” (mulFple visits/month), of which... •30K Have created a login account, of which... •15K Have signed up for noFficaFons •3K Have acF