1、20世纪中国农村人口流动研究概述(1)[摘 要]农村人口流动一直是中国社会一种普遍的社会现象。本文简要回顾了20世纪学术界对1949年以前中国历代农村人口流动所做的探索,并对未来的研究提出一管之见。 [关键词]20世纪;中国农村;人口流动 Summarization of Studies on Chinese Rural Population Flow in the 20th Century Abstrac┞t: Rural pop脱ulation flow匪 has always 纂been
2、 a kind of common so邋cial phenome宇non in Chine栲se society. bThis article briefly rev慎iews the aca啃demic resear伛ch in the 20筱th century o尼n Chinese ru诀ral populati屉on flow in p瘥revious ages祢 before 1949 and gives a犸 limited poi轨nt of view to future stu悖d