3、With private car ownershipin urbanareas, therapid increasein road traffic congestion isworsening, and attractedwidespreadattention. As animportantcomponentof urbanroads,intersections usually the urbanroadtraffic bottleneckinthesystem point. Improve theefficiencyof theintersectionof ma
4、nyways inwhich toimprove trafficsignal timing is oneof themost directandeffectiveway. Therefore,thestudy ofurbanroad intersection signaltiming method hasimportant theoreticaland practicalsignificance.However, thedesign engineers inthedesignof theintersectionof theroad when both lanes,
5、function, junction or transformationof drainage ofthe program need to have more experience-based, strong subjectivefactors, thelackof traffic andrelated theoreticalsupport.Thetopicsto urbanroad intersection signaltiming forthestudy,selectthe delay, saturation flowratio, whenthe traffi
6、ccapacity asameasureof theprogram with thetarget. Theestablishmentof signaltiming model,and example calculations ofthe intersection withthe time method, whichgives guidance on theissue basedon theseroads.In both studies,basedonthe thesis work carriedout asfollows:1.Reviewedthe history
7、of urbanroad intersectionsignal, introduced thebasicconceptsof signalcontrol, easyto causeconfusion on the signalphase andsignal phase ofthesetwoconceptsthrough examples of signaltiming diagram shows.2.Clear conceptof thegreen interval matrix, determining the signaltiming ofits import