2、明。(一)内容切题在目前常见的作文题目中,内容切题一般包括两个方面。一是写作内容要围绕题目规定的话题展开。比如"A Fiveday Week"(五天工作制),文章的内容应围绕五天工作制进行论述,与其无关的内容,当以跑题论处,但此种现象并不多见。其二,在有些作文题中还包括提纲如:Fire Accidents in Big Cities Outline:1.Present Situation 2.Causes 3.Measures 这种带提纲的作文题目不仅要求考生根据标题写作,而且要根据提纲规定的内容和范围展开各个段落,不能按自己的思路发挥。考生在这方面出的问题比较多。如1994年考研
3、作文题是:On Making Friends(论交友),其三段的提纲分别是:1.The need for friends 2.True Friendship 3.My principle in making friends。第三段的提纲要求考生围绕我交友的原则进行议论,然而有个别考生在段中这样写道:The former paragraph has shown my principle in making friends in some way.Furthermore,what I want to say is that one good friend is enough. 该考生把应
4、放在第三段中论述的内容写在第二段中,第三段就没内容可写了。这类命题作文要求考生按规定和要求写作,不能按自己的想法随意更改,写上段作文的考生不仅第三段没有扣题,第二段也没有做到内容切题。一篇内容切题的作文应能既围绕题目,又能在各段扣准提纲,才真正符合内容切题的要求。下面这一段是另一学生的作文,都是第三段,内容切题,恰当地扣住我交友的原则"的写作要求:When I choose friends,I do not care what work they do or what social background they are from,but I do notice those litt
5、le things which reveal one's characters.I would make sure that we really care for each other,so that no matter how much time goes by without seeing each other,I know my friends will always be there,ready to help if I need them,And I know we are true friends indeed. (二)能正确地表达思想一篇好短文能使读者一目了然。文章的思
6、路应清楚,逻辑性强,能准确表达作者的思想。请对比下面两段:Have you a bike?Taking a bike is a good way,most people think.But in university it seems not as good as other places.Bikes are possible to be stolen now and then.Having a bike isn't always good enough for us to buy one. 上段作者的思路紊乱不清,字里行间不仅有许多语病,而且也没能把思想表达清楚。读后仍不知作者在表
7、达什么思想、观点,因而这样的段落只能得0分。请看下段:It is very convenient to use bikes in China.Bikes don'need fuel,nor a garage or a large parking lot.Bikes can go through narrow streets and their prices are low.So bikes are the most popular vehicles in