1、硕士学位论文程控机房闭式冷却塔供冷节能技术研究STUDY ON THE TECHNOLEGY OFENERGY SAVING BY CLOSEDCOOLING TOWER TO COOL SPCEXCHANGER ROOM李志统哈尔滨工业大学2008 年 6 月国内图书分类号:TU831.6国际图书分类号:697工学硕士学位论文程控机房闭式冷却塔供冷节能技术研究硕 士 研 究 生 : 李志统导申 请师: 张吉礼学 位: 工学硕士教授学 科 、 专 业: 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程所 在 单 位: 市政环境工程学院答 辩 日 期: 200
2、8 年 6 月授予学位单位: 哈尔滨工业大学Classified Index: TU831.6U.D.C.: 697Dissertation for the Master Degree of EngineeringSTUDY ON THE TECHNOLEGY OFENERGY SAVING BY CLOSED COOLTOWER TO COOLING SPCEXCHANGER ROOMCandidate:Supervisor:Academic Degree Applied for:Specialty:Affiliation:Date of
3、Defence:Degree-Conferring-Institution:Li ZhitongProf. Zhang JiliMaster of EngineeringHeating, Gas Supplying, Ventilating& Air-Conditioning EngineeringSchool of Municipal andEnvironmental EngineeringJune, 2008Harbin Institute of Technology摘要摘要通信产业的发展一直伴随着社会的总体发展,经过多年的改革开放和
5、以哈尔滨市某程控机房为例,利用 DeST 能耗模拟软件模拟机房全年逐时空调负荷,并计算全年运行总能耗。通过对闭式冷却塔应用原理和控制技术的研究,在原有空调系统之上提出节能改造方案,并计算改造后空调系统的全年运行能耗,分析投资与回收期,确定其节能产生的经济效益。改造后空调系统的主要特点是能够充分利用室外冷源,以减少电能的消耗。本文对改造后的空调系统进行了能耗计算和节能分析。本文依据全国 31 个省(地区)的 128 个市(县)的室外气象参数,对闭式冷却塔供冷的节能效果进行了分析计算,说明闭式冷却塔供冷节能技术在程控机房空调系统节能中的巨大应用价
6、值。关键词程控机房;闭式冷却塔;节能;空调系统哈尔滨工业大学工学硕士学位论文AbstractThe development of society along with the high speed development ofcommunications industry. After several decades reformation and open thedoors,meanwhile focus on the development of economy, china which possess ofthe biggest pa
7、rt of population on world was became a country has the biggestscale of telephone user and internet user. which means china has the biggest scaleof the Stored Program Control (SPC)exchanger, energy saving for SPC exchangerroom has became the emphases of telecom industry.For
8、SPC exchanger to run more efficiently, special air-condition for SPCexchanger room