3、业,但自愿做就好,期末考试,就是上课讲过的,挺容易的,给分也不错。开卷(30-40分)与闭卷(60-70分)相结合课堂活跃度:8 考核难易指数:8.5 推荐指数:8.5生命伦理在跨文化跨学科的情景中,对生命科学和医疗保健的论理学方面,包括决定、行动、政策、法律进行系统性研究.如对辅助生殖技术、人类基因组研究、干细胞研究、器官移植、人体研究、生命维持技术、转基因食品等方面的相关研究.课堂活跃度:7 考核难易指数:8 推荐指数:7.5第五课组:The Art of Narrative WritingWriting and reading as
4、signments will focus on the art of narrative, or storytelling. Course reading materials will consist mainly of short essays as well as feature articles from magazines and newspapers. Students will learn the basic elements of good storytelling and will be given writing assignm
5、ents in the genre which will be critiqued in class. Students will also be required to do field reporting and write stories based on individual and/or group interviews.清华选课大全之二——超级推荐论 二、中国现当代戏剧 中国现当代戏剧概说 《雷雨》 《茶馆》三、西方古典戏剧 崇高的诗-古希腊悲剧 莎士比亚的人文悲剧四、西方现代戏剧 现代戏剧之父易卜生 契诃夫 美国现代戏剧之父奥尼尔