1、迈向学习型社会的职业技术教育【英文标题】Vocational and Technical Education Stepping forward to Learning Society 【内容提要】当前,处于工业化与信息化平行发展进程中的中国职业技术教育面临复杂而多变的社会需求,要求我们从现实需求和长远发展的结合上作出战略选择:以终身教育理念和学习型社会的目标,总揽和架构职业教育发展不同阶段的任务和实现形式;在职业教育发展进程中渗透和体现终身教育理念,逐步形成融入学习型社会的职业技术教育体系。对此,学习者、学习机构、学习制度必须实
2、现相应转变。 编辑。【摘 要 题】改革与发展 【英文摘要】At present Chinese vocational and technical education which is in the pr ogress of industrialization and informationalization faces complicated and various social demands,which needs us to make strategic choice from the c ombination of re
3、alistic demands and long-term development,that is,construc ting tasks and achieving modes in different stages of development of vocat ional education according to life-long educational idea and target of lear ning society,infiltrating life-long educational idea in th
4、e process of dev elopment of vocational education and gradually forming the system of vocat ional and technical education which can merge into learning lea rner,learning organization and learning system must be changed. 【关 键 词】职业技术教育/学习型社会/终身教育/学习者/学习机构/学习制度vocation
5、al and technical education/learning society/life-long education/learner/learning organization/learning system 近代职业和技术教育是伴随着产业革命和工业社会的兴起而逐步发展的,随着产业结构高度化和科学技术在经济发展中作用的提高,经历了以技能为主向以技术技能为主的转变;从为制造业服务向同时为制造业和服务业服务的转变;从学历本位向能力本位的转变。我国正处于工业化中期,职业技术教育也必然要经历这种历史性的转变。我国职业技术教育的