1、国家重点风景名胜区若干问题探讨国家重点风景名胜区若干问题探讨国家重点风景名胜区若干问题探讨2008-12-2015:10:05 摘 要:风景名胜区是全人类的瑰宝,对其研究、鉴定、保护、保存,并传之世世代代,永续利用,是我们的历史使命。要特别注意风景区的价值性质与定位、功能与保护、规划与建设、管理立法与监测、效益、科教等问题。关键字:风景名胜区;功能;保护;价值discussion on some problems with national key tourist attractions / xie ning-g
2、ao[abstract] tourist attractions are the treasure of human beings. it is therefore our mission to study, appraise, protect and preserve them and topass them down to our younger generations for continuous utilization. special attention must be paid to such aspe
3、cts of the tourist attractionsas the character of value and orientation, function and protection, planning and construction, management legislation and monitoring , benefitand scientific education, etc..[key words] tourist attraction; function; preservation; v