3、电压380V经升压变压器后由SCR(可控硅)再整流为直流供负载用。用Matlab/simulink进行建模仿真,观察输出波形。关键词:电力电子技术;整流电路;三相桥式电路ⅠAbstractThe application of electronic technology has penetrated into the industrial and agricultural economic construction, transportation, space technology, the mo
4、dernization of national defense, medical, environmental protection, and hundreds of millions of people in all areas of daily life, enter after twenty-first Century power electronic technology is used more and more widely, so the power electronic tech
5、nology is more important. In recent years more and more application in the national power electronics industry, some advanced technologies of the country, after the processing of electric power electronic technology has been more than half the total
8、especificsituation.Theroleofthetransformeristorealizethecommunicationbetweentheinputvoltageanddcoutputvoltagematching,andacpowergridandelectricalisolationbetweentherectifiercircuit. This paper mainly introduced the three-phase full-bridge controlled