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1、从斯佳丽的婚姻分析她的性格  摘要:《飘》是美国女作家玛格丽特?米切尔一生唯一的一部长篇小说,本文从小说中的女主角斯佳丽对阿什礼不懈的爱的执着以及三次悲惨的婚姻对她的性格进行了分析。种植园主家庭出身的16 岁花季少女斯佳丽, 早熟又骄矜, 她爱上了风度翩翩的邻居艾希礼, 可是艾希礼却与表妹媚兰订了婚, 并很快就要举行婚礼。斯佳丽遇到了情场失意的痛苦, 但不甘失败。虽然后来她先后嫁给三个男人, 但每次结婚都具有随意性或实用性,很不严肃。然而,也正是因为经历的这三次婚姻,使得我们可以看到她从刚开始的那个任性的女孩到后来那个

2、勇敢、坚韧顽强的女人这段过程的每一次转变。  关键词:婚姻;性格;任性;勇敢  中图分类号:I712.074文献标识码:A文章编号:1673-8500(2012)12-0038-01  Scarlett's Personality out of Marriage  Introduction  Gone with the Wind is Margaret Mitchell’s outstanding novel all over the world. It is a great tower above the rest 

3、in literature history. It’s renowned as one of the greatest American novels.  It sets the plot on the basis of the Civil War, and is considered the most remembered Civil War love story of our time. The Civil War derived from the great number of problems, differe

4、nces in principles and social value .What’s more, it became more intensive under the diversity as well as the self-respect of the regions. It attracted the readers’ attention as well as drew the attention of the directors who made it into different edition of fi

5、lms. Scarlett is the leading heroine in this novel. It shows that she possess extraordinary wisdom and outstanding talent, she is a successful home chamber leader and economist. And people think that she goes to far from her own class. With the development of Ca

6、pitalistic economy, she adjusted herself to the social trend. She is becoming a capitalist. During that chaotic time, if one wants to live better, he or she must follow the social trend. Capitalism was in the growing momentum. So she did business. She had the Ca

7、pitalistic class’s merit, that is to say, the spirit of tenacity, ambition. She is a typical American image. She is a starring character, who owns the courage to resist the old traditions, and pursues individual freedom.  A. First Marriage with Charles  Scarlett

8、 was not a serious and considerate girl, and sometimes she did not quite understand people and their emotions. She had no idea of what type of husband she would like 



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