2、Thesis Submitted toUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of ChinaMajor:Author:Advisor:School:Biomedical EngineeringJian YuProf.Tianzi JiangSchool of Life Science and Technology 摘要摘要弥散光学成像(Diffuse Optical Imaging,DOI)是一种利用被测组织对光的吸收 、 散 射 等 作
6、然后详细介绍了近红外成像检测原理和理论基础,重点分析了基于朗伯-比尔定律的连续波成像算法。其次,先介绍多通道脑血氧检测系统的整体设计框架及遵循的设计原则。再重点介绍主要功能模块的设计原理和实现过程,包括硬件电路设计以及软件设计。最后,通过对仪器硬件电路测试以及实验数据的采集对仪器性能进行分析,总结出仪器的优劣。关键词:功能近红外,脑血氧检测,弥散光学成像,朗伯-比尔定律,连续波IAbstractAbstractNear-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a means
7、 of cortical functional activitydetection based on Diffuse Optical Imagin (DOI), which is non-invasive and portability.Oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin in blood have different sensitivity to thenear-infrared light which wavelength range from 600nm to
8、 900nm,so we can obtain thechanges of oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin concentration in cerebral activity.Compared with some other conventional brain imaging techniques (MRI, PET, EEGand MEG, etc.), Near-infrared Diffuse Optical Imaging has l