6、现密码的修改和存储关键词:AT89C51单片机,密码锁,矩阵键盘6AbstractThethesistellusthatHowtomadeaeletroniccodedlock,thesystemwascomposedofmcusystems,matrixkeyboard,LEDdisplayandalarmsystem.theycanopenlock,alarm,lock,decryptandchangepassword.This design is about combination loc
7、k, based on the AT89C51 single-chip microcomputer as the core of controlling goals. This design in which the AT89C51 single-chip microcomputer as the core of the controlling goals cooperated with relevant circuits and software programs can achieve su
8、ch functions like password input and modification, information display, keyboard locking, warning system, and the openness and closeness of the lock etc. In this design, the openness of lock and alarming aaccording to identifying the password, and pa