5、eetinformation management,also known as the smallest unit of city building, has played an important role in urban information construction. Thecontentandmainpointsofthe research are:how to buildtheinformationmanagement platformthat both complies with the progress of science and techn
6、ology and meets the need of social and thepublic underthecurrentconditionof street information.Basingonthe the background and significanceof the street information service system’sdesign and implementation,the researchhasexpoundedtheresearchstatusquoofliteraturebothathomeandabroad.An
7、dit hasshown that street information is quitenecessaryin the process of building well-off society in our country. In order to study the design and implementation of thesystemintroduced, the article makes a deep exploration from the following several aspects: thefirstpartintroducesthek