3、e thesis takes female liberation as point of penetration to analyze and compare the different life paths of Zijun and Tangwaner.In other words, by throughing different ways to reach the same destination-self liberation.Then, based on the study of comparison of those two characters, the
4、 thesis tries to make clear the reasons why they have same fates in the end.The first factor comes from the influence of times and social environment.The second reason is the economy. They lack of economical consciousness and rights, insteadly, they attach themselves to male.The third o
5、ne is emotional problem. Both of them show the love blindness when pursing the love out of instinct, though being in different love stages. The last reason is character. The treason, adventure, limpness, compromise and absence of reason, all of those factors in their characters influene
6、d the choices and realization of self-liberation of Zijun and Tangwaner.Further to enlighten the independence of personality is the precondition of female liberation.Keywords:Zijun;Tangwaner;compare;female liberationI目录目录摘要IABSTRACTII目录III绪论1一、殊途同归的人生路2(一)自我解放的“殊途”2(二)回归与堕落的“同归”3二、殊途同归原