4、:精品课程、网站、数据库、信息共享40计算机精品课程网站设计与实现ABSTRACTThe 21st Century is the times of information highly developing and speeding circulation. With the popularization of computers and the widespread application of computer network,which make the main on the street have time to touch more
5、 knowledge than even. Facing to the phenomena about “the information detonation” in the information era, how to make the education to catch the step of times, at least will notdrop by it? Many experts think the question that “how can we reloadthe education resource onto the
6、website and make more peoplebe able to have time to take these source” all the while.Withthedevelopmentofinformationtechnology,therearemanycourseswebsitecanbesearchedtoachieveinformationsharing,inordertofollowthetrendofinformationdevelopmenttechnologyThedevelopmentofthisproj
7、ectisbaseonB/Sframe, which uses of ASP.NETprogramming language and SQLServerdatabasetodevelop.Atfirstthis paper carries on a demand analysis about high-quality curriculum website in detail. Secondly, the functions of high-quality curriculum website are provided, and the plan
8、 of high-quality curriculum website is discussed. Finally, a comparatively