4、文件共含有八章,分别为投标须知前附表、投标须知、合同、工程技术规范、工程量清单、投标文件格式、招标控制价的编制、资格审查资料。完全依据国家法律法规规定的内容编制,其内容具有法律效力,满足招标需求。关键词:招标;建设单位;投标人;工程量IQingdaoCityshengshihuazhangNo.2buildingofbiddingdocumentsStudentmajoringinEngineeringmanagementLiYangTutornameRuanXuejingAbstract: The
5、 project locates in number 101,7 of Zhujiang Road, Huangdao district, Qingdao(the intersection between Zhujiang Road and Alishan Road). The project is a upscale neighborhoods built by Qingdao Heisey City investment Co.,Ltd, and this project uses the op
6、ening tendering to choose contractor. The project encompasses a total of 3,452.52 square meters and the design working life of it is 50 years. The building type is frame structure with one underground floor and five ground floors.the height of the bui
7、lding is 17.85 meters. The height of underground floor is 2.8 meters and the height of each ground floor is 2.9 meters. The grade of waterproofing roof construction is grade two. The anti-seismic grade is 7 grade the class of fire-resistant is class tw
8、o. The outdoor decoration is painting the wall with tiles looks elegant and pure.The bidding document has eight chapters totally with notes for tenders chart, compact,construction technology code,the bill of quantities,the form of biddi