1、XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX本科毕业论文(2016届本科毕业生)题 目:学生姓名:学生学号:x学院名称:xxxxxxxxxx专业名称:xxxxxx指导教师:XXXXXXXXXXXXXX二零一六年四月在线考试系统的设计与实现【摘要】―IV―目前,社会各行各业需要人才,而人才的选拔重要途径是通过考试来判定。现阶段,学校的考试大都是传统的考试方式:由老师纸上出题,学生纸上答题,老师人工阅卷,以及人工试卷分析四大步骤组成。这样做一是给老师带来工作上的繁琐,不利于老师工作效率的提高;二是人工的考试方式由于工作量大从而极易出错;三是人为因素的不确定性
2、,可能会造成选题范围过于狭窄。不仅如此,传统考试由于不能全方位出题,故不能全面考查学生的能力。因此传统的考试方式已经不能适应现代考试的需要。本文的目的主要是针对以上传统考试的弊端以提高考试效率而设计文档,开发出在线考试系统。 本系统在window平台下使用myeclipse开发工具,在tomcat6应用服务器上,使用mysql数据库开发的,该系统具备的基本功能:用户注册,用户信息的修改、用户信息的管理、试题库管理、试卷生成、在线考试、计算机自动阅卷、成绩查阅,报表功能等。除了实现上述功能以外,在线考试系统还应该具有友好、简洁的界面,安全性要高,稳
3、定性要强。【关键词】试题;管理;java;考试StudentInformationManagementSystem【Abstract】At present, all sectors of society needs talents, selecting talents is an important way to determine through the exam. At present, the school exams are the traditional ways of examination paper: by the teacher
4、 questions, students paper answer, the teacher manual marking, and artificial test paper analysis four steps. This one is for the teacher to bring the work of the tedious, is not conducive to the teacher in the improvement of work efficiency; the two is the artificial examina
5、tion way due to the heavy workload and eror prone; three is the human factors of uncertainty, may cause the topic scope is too narrow. Not only that, the traditional examination because it is not a full range of questions, can not fully test students' ability. Therefore, the
6、traditional examination method has already can't adapt to the demand of the modern examination. The purpose of this paper is aimed at the drawback of traditional examination of the above to improve test efficiency and design documents, the development of online examination sy
7、stem. ThesystemunderthewindowsplatformusingMyEclipsedevelopmenttools,applicationserverTomcat6,theuseofMySQLdatabasedevelopment,thesystemhasthebasicfunctionof:userregistration,accesstomodifyuserinformation,userinformationmanagement,questionbankmanagement,generatingpapers,onlin