4、以及解决方案。关键词:药品管理、基于QT、WebSever服务器3金陵科技学院学士学位论文AbstractDruginquiryandmanagementSystemAbstractThe text introduce the drug inquiry and management system based on QT.The system is divided into three modules including Web Sever,QT and Date Base.The users only need the ARMterminal which
5、 can connect the network.The written QT order points to the Web Sever.You can achieve the drug inquiry and management through the operation of the terminal.The text describes the principle and design of the system.Meanwile,it elarates the progress of the design,compiling of the s
6、ystem integration.It also discuss the problems and solutions of thw system.Keyword:DrugAdministration,based on QT,WebSever3金陵科技学院学士学位论文第一章引言第一章引言1.1药品管理系统的研究背景21世纪随着IT技术的发展,自动化管理与办公系统逐渐成为新时代的趋势。随着产品生命周期管理与企业资源计划的概念的引入与普及,企业的研发能力和控制成本的能力得到极大的提升。由于激烈的市场竞争和产业整体水平的提升,一些领头企业越发察觉到下一轮竞争