2、必要。【关键词】医学生;消费;调查;分析 Survey and Analysis of Medical Students Consumption GUO Shu?bang,LIU Li?qing (PreventionMedicineDepartment,Heze Medical College,HeZe 274000,China) AbstractObjective:To understand the current consumption status,the consumption level and struc
3、ture of medical students,and analyse the factors of affecting medical students consumer behavior.Methods:To select 1 000 Heze Medical College students of different grades randomly and survey them.Results:Medical students daily consumption financial resources rely m
4、ainly on their parents(85.3%); they consumpt 437.5 yuan monthly on the average; their consumption are: basic living and studying consumption,relation consumption,correspondence consumption,puter and Inter consumption,love consumption,various types of certificate te
5、sts of non?diploma education,training and examination consumption,and entertainment consumption and so on; the consumption levels are different in region,gender and grade.Conclusion:The consumption concept of medical students is still immature. Therefore,its necess
6、ary to strengthen education and guide them to consume correctly. Keyedical students;consumption;survey;analysis 为了解当代医学生消费行为与变化,我们对菏泽医专大学生消费状况做了抽样调查,了解了当前医学生的经济来源与家庭经济状况、消费水平与消费结构,讨论分析了当前医学生的消费特点,对影响医学生消费行为的原因进行了初步探讨。 1材料与方法 1.1对象与方法在菏泽医专不同年级在校大学生中采用分层整群随机抽样的方法