6、208.2 给水排水218.3 采暖228.4 燃气238.5 通风238.6 空调238.7 电气24本规范用词说明26 条文说明………………………………………………………………………………………………27CONTENTS1 General rules12 Terms23 Basic Requirement44 Calculation of Technical and economic indicators 55 Spaces within the dwelling unit75.1
7、 Dwelling unit75.2 Bed room and living room (hall)75.3 Kitchen75.4 Toilet85.5 Storey height and interior net storey height....................................................................... 85.6 Balcony95.7 Passage, store space and interior s
8、tairs95.8 doors and windows96 Common facilities116.1 Windowsill and railings116.2 Emergency evacuation 116.3 Stairs126.4 Elevator126.5 Gallery and entrance136.6 Requirement about barrier-free design136.7 Post box146.8 C