1、Ishow2018高级班文本3.0目录一.人物Bob Branson二.人物Andrea,James三.找室友四.工作amusement park,intern,landscaping job五.工作 working as a tutor,in a restaurant,for a marketing company六.借东西(相机,蓝色西装,车)七.三角恋八.三个故事(撞鲸,抢银行,卡烟囱),耍蛇,救警察九.丢钱包十.四个烦恼(开车快,狗叫,放广告,销售员)十一.换衣服,衣服褪色十二.找宿管(换灯泡,狗叫)十三.地区习惯(
2、吃东西有声音,睡得晚,中东服饰)十四. Greener World十五.垃圾填埋场,臭氧层十六.化工厂倾倒废弃物,找证据十七.算命十八.克服害羞十九.舞蹈课,厨艺课二十.转折点(工作后,有狗了,有自行车)二十一.转折点(学语言,获奖)二十二.后悔专业选择、大学生活二十三.迟到,狗生娃二十四.戴安娜,比尔盖茨一.在家中工作,交通形势二.心理医生,露营顾问Lesson1AA:Do you have a date for the party yet?B:Actually , I don't. Do you think you co
3、uld help me find one?A:Hmm, what kind of guys do you like?B:Oh, I like guys who aren't too serious and who have a good sense of humor.You know , like you.A:Ok, Uh, what else?B:Well, I'd prefer someone I have something in common with-who I can talk to easily. A:Ithi
4、nkIknow just the guy for you. Bob Branson. Do you know him.?B:No, I don't think so.A:well, let me arrange for you to meet him, , and you can tell me what you think.BChris: So, what's the Verdict? What did you think of Bob?Kim: Well, I was worried at first especiall
5、y when I saw that he wears not one but two earrings,I thought he might turn out to be one of those guys who are into heavy rock music and stuff like that. You know what I mean? Chris: But he's just like a regular kind of guy, right? Kim: Yeah, we got along really
6、well! Chris: I just knew you'd like him. Kim: Yeah, I do, and he's really funny. He had me laughing hysterically during dinner. I think the people sitting next to us in the restaurant thought we were crazy. Chris: So, are you two going to get together again? Ki
7、m: Definitely, in fact, we're going to a concert tomorrow night. Chris: That's great. Lesson2AA:So,haveyouseenAndrealately?B:Yeah,Iseeherprettyoften.Weworktogetheratacafélatté.A:How'sshedoing,I'vebeenmeaningtocallher.B:Well,tobehonest!I'vealwaysthoughtshe'salitt