1、17th全国设计大师奖17th National Design Master Award景德镇“陶溪川杯”china—中国瓷创意设计大赛Jingdezhen “ Tao Xichuan cup”China—— china porcelain design competition 瓷文化主题:生活瓷 / 艺术瓷 / 景观瓷 / 装饰瓷 / 其它瓷theme of porcelain culture: household porcelain/ art porcelain/ landscape porcelain/ decorati
2、ve porcelain/ other porcelain自由选题:产品 / 视觉 / 环艺 / 服饰 / 工艺美术 / 影视动画 / 数字媒体Free topic: product/ vision/ environmental art/ apparel and ornaments/ industrial art/ film, television and animation/ digital media参赛对象:设计师 / 教师 / 学生contestants: designers/ teachers/ students主办
3、单位景德镇市人民政府 同济大学教育部高等学校设计学类专业教学指导委员会教育部职业院校艺术设计类专业教学指导委员会SponsorsThe People's Government of Jingdezhen CityTongji UniversityTeaching guidance Committee of design major of colleges and universities of Ministry of educationTeaching guidance Committee of vocational scho
4、ols of art and design of Ministry of education 承办单位同济大学设计艺术研究中心景德镇国际陶瓷博览会办公室Organizers Art & Design Research Center Tongji UniversityJingdezhen International Ceramic Fair Office支持单位中国工业设计协会中国教育电视台高校创意总部景德镇陶邑文化发展有限公司同济大学设计创意学院景德镇陶瓷学院中国建筑与室内设计师网SupportersChina Industr
5、ial Design AssociationChina Educational Television Creative headquarters of universitiesJingdezhenTowyiCulturalDevelopmentCo.LtdCollege of design and innovation, Tongji University赛事主题Themes一、瓷文化主题theme of porcelain culture“china —— 中国瓷”创意设计China—— China porcelain de