1、Chapter 1 Introduction 绪论 1 什么是语言学 what is linguistics? 1.1 定义 definition Linguistics is generally defined as scientific study of language. 1.2 语言学的研究范畴 the scope of linguistics a. The study of language as a whole is often called general lingui
2、stics. 把语言作为一个整体而进行的全面的语言学研究一般称为普通语言学。 b. The study of sounds used in linguistic communication led to the establishment of a branch of linguistics called phonetics. 语音学 phonetics How speech sounds are produced and classified. c. how
3、 sounds are put together and used to convey meaning in communication. how sounds form systems and function to convey meaning. phonology 音位学/ 音系学phonology 交际中语音的组合规律及传达意义的方式 d. The study of the way in which these symbols are arranged t
4、o form words has constituted the branch of study called morphology. 形态学 morphology how morphemes are combined to form words. 这些符号通过排列组合而成构成语词,对于这种排列组合方式的研究构成了语言学研究的另一个分支,如对形态学的研究。 e. The combination of these words to form permissible sent
5、ences in languages is governed by rules. The study of these rules constitutes a major branch of linguistic studies, syntax. 句法学 syntax how morphemes and words are combined to form sentences. f. The study of meaning. semantics 语义学 (in abstraction)
6、semantics g. the study of meaning is conducted in context of use. pragmatics语用学 pragmaticsh. the study of language with reference to society. sociolinguistics. 社会语言学 sociolinguistics i. the study of language with reference to the workings of t
7、he mind. psycholinguistics 心理语言学 psycholinguistics j. the application of linguistic principles and theories to language teaching and learning. applied linguistics 应用语言学appliedlinguistics1.3 语言学研究中的一些基本概念 some important distinctions in linguistics. 1.3.
8、1 规定性和描述性 prescriptive vs. descriptive if a linguistic study describes and analyzes the language people actually use; 如果一种语言学的研究是对人们实际使用中的语言进行的描述和分析——描述性的descriptive if it