3、?在手机上看电子书变得更加容易而且方便,而纸质书是否还受同学们的青睐?那么现在的大学生是否还能像过去一样读名著读到热血沸腾,还是他们有了新的更广阔的读书领域,亦或是沉浸在网络小说中无法自拔?科技如此发达便捷的今天,大学生们在纸质阅读还是网络阅读的选择上也有了不一样的选择,本文旨在了解大学生的阅读方式发展方向。关键字大学生纸质阅读网络阅读AbstractRead thousands of books, travailing, for college students, tourism has become a popular way widen the vision, however, rea
4、d thousands of books has become not easy. Today, have come from the Internet games, movies, etc. The temptation to chase play, or face more rich and colorful university life, reading time are compressed again and again? Electronic reading on mobile phones become more easy and convenient, and whethe
5、r the paper book is popular with the students? So college students can now read classics like the past to have a boiling passion, or do they have a new broader areas of reading, or indulge in the network unable to extricate themselves in the novel? The advanced technology and convenient today, coll
6、ege students on the choice of paper reading or network reading has a different choice, the purpose of this paper is to understandthe students' reading development direction. Keyword:studentspaper-readingonline-reading 目录第一章活动简介1第二章调查问卷分析2第三章调查结论51、阅读取向52、关于载体6第四章活动总结及体会6参考文献7附件8前言网络时代,我们传统的读书方式将会发生