5、蕴及审美表现,和基于这两方面所形成的由浅入深的层次内涵。这一部分拟从广博的古典诗词入手,探讨灯烛意象在古典诗词这一文学的历史发展长河中所呈现出的不同文化内涵和审美表现。首先探究其中蕴含的爱情、家园、自由、生命和人格精神等多重文化意蕴,其次从中国传统儒家文化视角探析古典诗词中的灯烛意象所体现的真善美维度,最后从形式层、意味层、意境层三方面不断深入地具体分析古典诗词中的灯烛意象所具有的层次内蕴;第五部分:这一部分主要探究古典诗词中的灯烛意象所呈示出的深刻的民族文化意蕴及其在中国古典文学史上的地位和作用。关键词:灯烛意象古典诗词文化象征IAbstractThe research on c
6、andles in the image of classical poetryand its cultural implicationABSTRACTLiterature is a window of the national culture, history and soul of every nation of therefraction of light. In the world of classical Chinese literature, a candle is undoubtedly awonderful work, all kinds of ancient lights
7、ancient witness the joys and sorrows. In traditionalcultures, it is more unique character of its grace, according to literary aesthetic point of viewand value system, an important position, while giving a deep an