4、了设计计算,并对部分零件进行建模和运动仿真。 关键词:多关节,机械臂,五自由度,运动仿真MechanismdesignandTechnologyresearchoftheMulti-jointManipulatorAbstract:Since the robot birthed in the 1950s, it has experienced three stages as following: the first generation industry robot’s research, practical
5、application and popularization, the second generation sensational function robot’s research and practical application, as well as the third generation intelligence robot’s research. In the group of six degrees of freedom robots, the articulated robot is care
6、d by designer and user for its broad work range, flexible movement,compact structure, catching the object near the machine plinth. the structure of the articulated manipulator was designed,which has six degrees of freedom. Each joint is drived by the indepen
7、dent electric motor. The manipulator designed includs waist rotary joint, big arm rotary joint, small arm rotary joint, the arm rotation, skill swinging and the skill rotary joint. They have function as following: (1) realize terminal space position determ
8、ination; (2) realize terminal change of location.The best plan is selected through compareing with many kinds of structure plan of the articulated manipulator in this article,The design and calc