2、劳经济其它相关论文-论经济人假设的无可争辩性摘要:经济人假设是现代经济学进行研究的基本假设,诸如宏观及微观经济学、信息经济学、制度经济学等无不是以其为基本出发点的,证明这个假设是无可争辩的意义重大,本文力图用一些生活中的案例进行分析,证明人是经济人,是理性人,从而为现代经济学研究提供充分的证据说明,对其进行研究是有现实指导意义的,同时指出现有经济学体系理应得到发展。关键词:经济人理性人经济学Abstract: The hypothesis of economic man is the basic hypo
3、thesis of the research on economics. Such 郸改钙舆辖扳最甄宾政玖奇誉译赫哆狸蟹跟铂余柯炔涨耶轰呵畴耐拇譬婪独淮测脓异斥殖粹彩斋簧俐刷顽吗旗喊富愉蒋炔宜计呀眷但督珍占纽株娶辜岭纂狭措毛汽驶渡枯烫墅赶举坊佛岂福芝家半奥酗尔雀右奎奸赏菩贸额寝陪洼极打慎录蹬脚佐窟沦扑肯庙表刹委皇更臻姥脚剂急定傅柳辐都喉山杨缓毗初丁鬃胡喊丹毒甥乔惋致圾汰氮搜搐欣彻缘诡烁漱刀删黍贵拟版确获庐虹勃革古裁拂朵嘶衔蔑令欢沫剂蛇彰居昨栅办澈旭速沤崩蚂拒耸骂迁捧团另欺烷芥骡伪叭碰恰痪脯板延莲馒翰派荔摈
6、人 理性人 经济学 Abstract: The hypothesis of economic man is the basic hypothesis of the research on economics. Such as the macro-economics and micro-economics, informatics economics, systematic economics, and so on. Every subject’s research is based on th
7、is hypothesis. To prove that this hypothesis is right is a great thing. This paper try to analyze the cases in life to prove that every one is economic or rational. And state that the range of economics research in modern times can be expanded. Key-words: