3、教师有关要求1、现场确认时间为:2011年10月12日上午8:00至11:30 ,下午14:00至17:00,未在规定时间内进行现场确认的视为自动放弃考录资格。2、现场确认地点为:安阳职业技术学院3、通过现场确认进入笔试人员于10月14日参加笔试。笔试时间为上午9:00—10:30。考生提前20分钟到达考场,持身份证、考试通知单入场。4、10月16日进行面试,面试时不需自我介绍,不得透露姓名等个人信息。试讲时必须使用课件,课件用U盘存储,不允许个人携带电脑入场。安阳职业技术学院2011年公开招聘教师试讲题目专业题目
4、体育大学体育对学生未来发展的价值中国语言文学纳兰性德词作《蝶恋花》英语讲解下面这篇文章: Our Changing Lifestyle: Trends and Fads These days, lifestyles have a tendency to change so fast. It is more than just clothing and hairstyles that are in st
5、yle one year and out of date the next; it's a whole way of living. One year, people wear hats and blue jeans; they drink white wine and eat at Japanese restaurants; for exercise they run several miles a day. The next year, however, everything has changed:
6、 women wear long skirts; people drink expensive water from France, and eat at Italian restaurants; everyone seems to be exercising at health clubs. Almost nothing in modern life gets away from the influence of fashion: food, music, exercise, books, langu
7、ages, movies, furniture, and even names go in and out of fashion. The interests that people follow can change very quickly. In the United States, even people can be "in" or "out". Americans enjoy following the lives of famous people: actors, sports heroe
8、s, well-known artists, politicians, and the like. But Americans also pay a lot of attention to people who have no special ability at all. 逻辑学A、E、I、O之间的真假关系计算机科学技术一种计算机内部排序的方法传播学(广告